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Nuneaton and North Warwickshire Equestrian Centre

Nuneaton and North Warwickshire Equestrian Centre is a registered charity 701178. Affiliated to Association of British Riding Schools and Pony Club.


The centre offers lessons for both children and adults who experience a wide range of disabilities. Riding presents a stimulating, enjoyable challenge and helps to improve co-ordination and balance. When newly found capabilities begin to overtake previously excepted disabilities, a greater degree of confidence and happiness is attained. In addition, the centre has recently introduced Horse Therapy sessions for people who cannot or do not wish to ride.


Able bodied lessons range from novice riders through to intermediate and advanced riders. There is also a very strong Pony Club group that are regularly involved in training days and camps.

Valley Road, Galley Common, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 9NJ
02476 392397

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