Bromley Common Liveries
Bromley Common Liveries is located just south of Bromley on the A 21. The yard was established in 1992 with one barn containing 34 boxes.
Since then the facilities have been increased to include 70 boxes, 2 floodlit sand manages [30x 60 m and 20 x 40 m] and a floodlit sand lunge ring.
Basic tution is available for the novice rider and for the more advanced competition rider. Schooling is done by Liz Peacock, who is a very successful competition rider and producer of young horses.
Located on land belonging to the Rookery Estates Company who first came to Bromley in the 1750’s. There is substantial on site hacking on farmland and woodland which is part of the estate and also easy links to Keston Common with further off road hacking.