Bridge House Equestrian Centre
Bridge House Equestrian Centre has been established for over 30 years. Starting life as a riding school, Liz and Chris McIlwraith, along with staff and friends spent years designing and building the existing stables, indoor and outdoor schools, hay barn, wooded paddock and various other out buildings all with the horse and rider in mind.
Liz and Chris are also fortunate enough to own surrounding fields just 500 yards from Bridge House and have over the years been able to utilise these fields during the Summer month’s after the hay has been cut; such events as Hunter Trials, ODE’s and Showing Shows. These fields and attached business units are known as Bramble Hill Farm.
Although Bridge House is no longer run as a riding school, it is an active livery yard that has the benefit of indoor and outdoor arenas, these are made good use of and hired out for pony club rallies, clinics, and equestrian events run by third parties or in-house.